quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

MIXROUTINE: Nothing spectacular but always busy

     Nassau has not so many things to do, but the heart of its downtown is always busy. Best described as the six blocks of Bay Street plus the parallel Shirley and King streets to the south between the British Colonial Hilton on the west and the Parliament Buildings on the east, the area has now a new Straw Market, which is always full of tourists and "not always friendly" shop assistants. Around the main street, there is series of upscale duty-free shops aimed at the thousands of cruise ship passengers arriving each week. While the straw market located there sells arts and crafts, the department stores sell collectibles, fine arts, perfumes, jewelry, clothing and other items some ranging into the thousands of dollars. The traffic in the shopping area is also very intense, especially whenever there is a coach between the cars and buses. These are highlights Downtown.

Bahamian arts and crafts
Man craving the wood 

Bay Street is always busy 

Nassau Straw Market: one of the entrances

There is always a funny means of transport around :)

...and also big cruise ships bringing more people

The cute Bahamian dolls can be found at the Straw Market

Honor to the women leaders: Bahamian pride is also registered on the street

Hard work for those who work in the heat

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